Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2 appointments in one day!

So my morning started with my Bariatric Optimization Program(BOP) appointment.  Which is basically just physical therapy for patients that are diagnosed with obesity. 
This was just the first of many appointments.  The Physical Therapist performed an initial evaluation and recorded my baseline measurement, vital signs, cardiovascular endurance, and musculoskeletal deficits. 

I'm exhausted now!  I will have to attend once a week until the surgery and twice a week after. 

Later that day I had my Cardiac Evaluation.  This only consisted of an EKG and a routine check up with the doctor.    I have to go back November first for my treadmill stress test and Echo.  That should be fine.  

My first appointment was at 9:30 a.m and the second was at 2:30.  The hospital is about 30 minutes away.  In between I got some Christmas shopping done.  Oh yeah, it looks like I lost 3 pounds.  Yay me!

That's all, I will update after my next appointment.