Friday, June 13, 2014

3 Months out!

So It's been so long since I've updated you all about my progress.  So lets see.  I'm currently down to 230.   My short term goal is to loose another 20 pounds by the end of the summer.   

I'm not going to say its easy because it is not.  I struggle everyday to do the right thing.  Last week I had a really bad week, but I'm back on track now. 
This is a picture of my progress so far.  In the red dress I was about 284.  In the picture on the right I'm 230.  Can you see a difference? 
I haven't been able to post lately because I've been so busy.   Well I've accepted a job teaching at a Private school in Abu Dhabi.  I'm excited but it is so much work.  Getting documents authenticated is such a hassle, but its worth it in the long run!
Well that's it for now.  Will update you soon!