Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Middle East in My Future

Come Hell or Highwater I will be somewhere in the Middle East this August.   I've already told you about my dreams of moving and teaching in Abu Dhabi, but now I'm looking to move to Kuwait.  I recently applied to teach at an American School in Kuwait.  The money is a little less, but the benefits are great.   We are talking life insurance, furnished apartments, paid utilities, transportation to and from work, and not to mention my kids will be able to attend this school for free.  In Abu Dhabi the money is really good and there are tons of things to do.   If I was looking for a social life Abu Dhabi would be the place to be.  However, I need to save some serious money and Kuwait might be the place to do that.  Life seems good in Kuwait but its a dry country.  So I won't be turning it up at the clubs every weekend.  Not to mention the school I've applied for is a brand new school.  Each student has his or her own tablet.  That's what I''m talking about!  

I have interviews coming up next week.  My interview for Abu Dhabi is February 13 and my interview for Kuwait is February 17.  Both are in New York City. 

I'm praying that I get an offer from both, but I really want the one in Kuwait now. 

Wish me luck!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Catch Up

So its been so long so I updated this blog and tons has happened since.   So I'm going to go back 2 months and up date you on my pre-surgery appointments. 

So on November 1 I had my first Cardiac Evaluation.  It was a simple appointment.  The doctor just checked my heart rate and did a simple EKG.  Then she tells me that I had to come back in do a stress test.  Which is understandable since I am undergoing major surgery. 

Stress test #1:  This was a basic stress test which resulted in me walking on a treadmill and keeping track of my heart rate.  Well at the end of my stress test the doctor was concerned about my heart rate.  Apparently my heart rate was higher than normal.    So then she informed me that I had to come back for a nuclear stress test.  The nuclear stress test is a two day test. 

Stress test#2:  This was my nuclear stress test.  I couldn't have any coffee 24 hours before and I couldn't eat or drink three hours before.  It consisted of me getting a shot of radiation and having to wait in a room for 30 minutes.  After 30 minuets I had to walk on the treadmill and while my heart rate was being monitored.  Lastly, I had to sit in a machine for 20 minuets while they took pictures of my heart.   That was part one I had to come back in 2 days for part 2. 

Stress test #3:  So this was actually part 2 of the nuclear stress test.  I had to get another IV with radiation then sit in the room for 30 minuets again.  Then I had to walk on the treadmill again.  After getting off of the treadmill I was then giving a snack and put back in the room for 30 more minuets.  Lastly,  I had an Echo and was sent on my way. 
About 2 hours later the doctor called and said my results all came back normal.  Thank God!

November 21:  I had an appointment with the surgeon.  This was a routine appointment nothing special.  I was informed that my surgery will be in March and I will find out the exact date at my next appointment in January. 

November 26:  I had to have an EGD.  This was a minor surgical procedure where I was put asleep.  It lasted about 15 minuets.  The doctor put a camera down my throat and took pictures of my stomach.  It actually called a "Gut Cam".    The results came back normal.  Thank God!

November 27:  I had an Abdominal Ultrasound, Chest X-ray, and Upper GI.  The abdominal ultrasound was basic and so was the Chest X-ray.   Now the Upper GI on the other hand was a different story.  Basically the radiologist had me drink one of the nastiest drinks ever and took pictures of my digestive track while I swallowed.  The drink was so Nasty!!  The test results came back normal again.  Thank God!

December 20: Psychology Consult:  I had to meet with a doctor to make sure that I'm ready for the surgery.  The doctor basically asked me questions about my childhood, relationship with family, and relationships with friends.  I also had to take an hour test which tested my knowledge of the surgery procedures.   

I meet back with my doctor on January 21 and I will then find out when my surgery will be.   

On another note:  I still plan on teaching in the Middle East in August.  I just had a phone interview to teach at a private school in Kuwait.  However, my goal is to be Abu Dhabi.  Wish me luck!!