Tuesday, April 22, 2014

5 weeks out!

Today I had my 1 month check up and I have to say my surgeon and I was really pleased.   When I went in for my surgery I was 278 pounds and today I'm 246.  That's 32 pounds in five weeks!  I'm so excited and scared at the same time. 

I finally went back on solid foods on Saturday and I'm praying my weight loss doesn't stall.  In order to loose weight you have to eat to keep your metabolism up and its so hard.  Especially when you don't know if you are hungry or not.    My diet consists of lots of protein, like fish, chicken, Greek yogurt, more protein shakes, and vegetables.   I'm also going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week now, so hopefully my weight loss won't stall too much!

Last week for Spring Break my entire family went to Myrtle Beach and I have to say it was hard to keep up with my diet.  Not that ate anything bad, but I'm supposed to eat 4 meals a day and I averaged about 2.   So I was really scared that would stop my weight loss.  However, when I got back home I discovered that I've lost 7 more pounds.  What a relief!

My overall goal is to weigh between 150-175.  I've also set small goals for myself.  My next goal is to loose 20 pounds by my 3 month check up.  That will put me at 226.  Wish me luck!

My life is all about eating right and living healthy now.  So far I have no regrets. 

Updated pictures coming soon!

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