Saturday, March 29, 2014

2 Weeks out!

So yesterday marked two weeks since my surgery and things are pretty good.  I went back to work on Monday and had a pretty good week with my students.  So far I've lost 17 pounds since my surgery.  I'm finally fitting back into some of my old clothes and things are great.  I even joined a gym and they have child care.  I'm going to set small goals for myself at first.  Through all of my research I've learned that the weight loss is really fast at first and eventually it will slow up some.  My goal is to lose between 10 and 12 pounds a month.  
All I've had for the last week was water, decaf coffee, and protein shakes.  This diet will continue for another week then its on to soft foods.  I will be able to transition back to solids on April 20.  

That's my latest update.  I will be sure to let you know how things go. 

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