Monday, March 3, 2014

My YOLO Mission

You Only Live Once is a saying that we often hear, but how many people truly live by it?  I've made up my mind not to let the fact that I'm a single parent hold me back anymore.   So from this day on I'm on a YOLO mission and I'm taking this journey with both of my babies.
So my Abu Dhabi interview was a success even though I thought I did bad I was still recommended for the position.   I should be getting my official offer letter soon.  I'm still waiting to hear back from the school in Kuwait.  That’s truly the job that I want.   The money is less but the benefits are so much better.  Not to mention my kids would go to school for free.  I hear the school is a really good school and the students and staff all love it!  If I end up in Abu Dhabi I will have to pay for school and a nanny.  That will cost me about $1000 a month.  Well either way I'm out of here in August!

I'm 11 days away from my weight loss surgery and I'm nervous and excited.   I know this is a major life change and I pray that I can make all the right decisions.  I started my 2 week 1200 calories a day diet on Saturday.  It’s supposed to consist of 4 small meals with lots of protein or 4 protein shakes a day.   I decided to do a mixture.  For instance, I had breakfast that consisted of egg beaters, turkey sausage, mushroom, and low-fat cheese.  Then a protein shake for lunch and snack and my dinner will be beef stir-fry.  
I didn't really stick to my diet on the first day.  I had a slice of pizza and a root beer, but since then I've been really good.  I have to make this work.  If I don't lose the weight then my liver won't shrink and I won't be able to do my surgery.  I'm determined to make it work.  

Like I said I'm on a YOLO mission and in order to do that I have to be healthy.  My number one reason I’m doing it is for my kids.   I want to see them grow up.  I'm tired of hating the scale.  I'm tired of wearing girdles.  I'm tired of being fat!

Well I will update you guys when I hear from the school in Kuwait or the day before my surgery!

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