Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Have you ever dated online?  If so how long do you chat back and forth with a person before you meet them? 

So I'm watching tonight's episode of Catfish and I can't understand how people get themselves in these situations?  This guy has been dating some girl that he met online for two years.  What?  If we have not met yet then we are not dating!  
So for two years this guy thinks that he is talking to some model who is a single parent and who works.  First of all if the person you are talking to online only has professional pictures then odds are its not really them.  Now I take really good pictures but they all are not perfect.  I mean come on no one has tagged you in any embarrassing photos?  Next, she keeps making up excuses not to video chat.  Truth be told I have never video chatted myself.  I usually look like a bum around the house so I wouldn't want anyone seeing me like that.  However, if it is someone that I really like I would at least get dressed on put some make-up on to talk to him.   Lastly, if you are dating some you met online and they really really like you they are going to find a way to meet you.  I've dated online and for the most part guys are ready to meet within a week or two. 

Whenever I watch Catfish I'm so surprised at how people get involved in these relationships.  Who uses Facebook to date?  

I think online dating is great.  However, people need to be smart about things.  Don't date someone in a different state then you.  All the person will do is find an excuse not to meet you.  If he or she does live out of town then make sure they are willing to video chat.  If not move on!  If you are talking with someone longer than a month he or she is not excited to meet you.  Move on!  

Don't set yourself up for failure.  Part of me feels like its best to meet quickly and get it out of the way. 

What do you guys think?


  1. I've dated online and absolutely none of them were a success. "Catfish" is real and I've seen people go through it. I always expected that the online daters story was a bit exaggerated.

  2. I actually met my husband online. Its funny we knew each other for 3 years before we started dating. So I guess I broke all of my rules. We are not together now so I guess it wasn't a success. However, I got two beautiful girls out of it so maybe it was!
