Sunday, July 21, 2013

Introduction Single Parenthood: How Did I Get Here? And Where Am I going?

This is the blog about my life as a single mother of two.  My goal is to use this blog as a personal journal as highlight some soon to be adventures in my life. 

Where To Start:
I am a single mother of two beautiful little girls.  I've been separated from my husand for a little over a year and will soon be divorced.   I've found living as a single mother to be a very challenging job. 
Me and my beautiful girls. 
Since my husband I spilt up I have been living with my mother.  I am so thankful to have a mother who cares for me and my kids.  However, it can be very difficult at times.   My mom usually forgets that I'm 37 years old and at times treats me like a teenager.   That's to be expected by any mother. 
My life right now is fairly boring.  I'm a 6th grade school teacher and a mom.  My oldest is in preschool and my mom takes care of my little one when I'm working.    I really wish that I could afford to put both kids in daycare, but I can't 
So daycare is the issue.  My mom is at home with one child all day long.  She sees her grandkids each day.  My mom is 56 and I guess she just really wants her space.  So I put my oldest in preschool and I can't afford to pay for living in the house.  It is hard at times. 
My Ex has not given me a dime since he walked out on us last year.  He has made promise after promise for the last year and nothing.  I'm so tired of struggling.  My kids deserve better and I'm determined to provide it. 
Well one night my mom was complaining about the kids and I went to my room and started researching teaching abroad.  I have no idea where this thought came from.  Initially I looked into South America.  I love the Spanish culture and I would love to become fluent in Spanish.  I would love for my kids to learn the language.  After researching I found that South America was not the best fit for someone with kids. 
Have you ever thought about teaching in the Middle East?  Not me.  I never even thought about going to the Middle East.   Well that not I found out that the salary in Abu Dhabi is twice the amount I make here in the United States.   They also provide housing and its tax free!  Next thing you know I'm applying for a position.  That was on May 18, 2013. 
I did some research but did not really think it could happen.  Then on June 6 I checked my email and come to find out I had a phone interview the next day.  What?  It just got real!   My phone interview was June 7 and it went well.  I was told by my teachaway rep that I was on the shortlist for in person interviews.  Then she said that I would probably be coming over in January of 2014 and not August of 2013.   Apparently I already missed interviews a couple of weeks earlier for August interviews.   
Now I'm faced with a dilemma.  I'm not really sure how I feel about going in the middle of the school year.   Not to mention the long list of paperwork that I had to get together.  Then I have to get it all of it notarized by the county and the state department.  After that I have to send it to the State Department in D.C. to be authenticated.  Sounds like a lot to do.    That January date started looking better.  So I came to the conclusion that I would be leaving in January and that was that!
While in Atlanta for the Independence I was on another company's sight and read that ADEC was holding interviews later that month in New York.  Well I emailed my rep and asked if it was true and she said yes.  She then said that the positions were for middle school math and science and asked if I wanted to interview.  I agreed and thought that my dream may come true this year.    
On my way back to Maryland from Atlanta I checked my email and noticed that I had an interview in New York on July 15.  My stomach immediately felt funny.  This is what I wanted but July 15 was only 6 days away.   
I spoke to one of my good friends who also teaches with me and she advised me to look into our school districts resignation policy.  I have a friend that works and human resources so I decided to email her.  Well after working in this district for 12 years I find out that I have to resign by July 15 if I want to ever return to the district.  Also, if I resign after that my certification will be suspended for a year.  So what am I to do?  That’s an easy answer.  I don't plan on living in the desert for the rest of my life so have to put my dream on hold for a year.  I was upset but I had to think about the future. 
I have met some great people on all of the Facebook groups.  I know so much more now.  I’m going to be ready this time next year!

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