Saturday, July 27, 2013

The One That Got Away

Just exactly what is the one that got away? 

Have you ever been in love?  I have and I still am.  No not with who you may think! 

  • What is love? 
  • How do you know its love?
  • When should you tell him/her?
  • What if they don't feel the same way? 
I have often asked myself those questions many times and I don't seem to know the answer.  I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there is one person who holds the key to my heart and he doesn't know it. 

Love is defined as:  a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.  

Just who is the person that I have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for?  Well I will tell you.  He is someone I've known for years.  He was around before I got married and after my spilt up.  As a matter of fact there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about him before I went to sleep.  I refer to him as the the one that got away.  To be honest he really didn't get away.  I still speak to him and see him from time to time.  However, since I have kids now our relationship has changed. 

What happened with us?  From the moment I met him I knew he was the one. People that really know me know about him. Its funny I think about him every single day. 

Have you ever met someone that makes you laugh all the time.  For some reason I love a silly man!  We share a lot of the same interest.  We love a lot of the same television shows.  He possesses everything I ever wanted in a man.  I still can't understand why he wasn't the one! 

I know everything happens for a reason and I believe there is a reason we have crossed paths yet again. 

So what am I'm going to do?  I'm a big chicken and I hate rejection.   Well I have something big planned sometime in the next year.  I'm going to spill my heart out.  I'm willing to accept whatever the outcome is.  If I ever want to be happy in a healthy relationship I have to end this friendship one way or the other.  I just hope it goes the way I want. 

Since my spilt up with my husband I haven't been in a rush to date or get in a relationship.  However, he is the only man that I would consider giving my heart to again. 

Life is to be lived.  I plan on living it! 
Before I leave this country he will know exactly how I feel! 

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